This is as much of my face as I care for you to see. :)
Well, where to start? My name is Tayler, I'm 16 years old and I live in the very corner of the united states, in good ol' Vancouver Washington. I'm not sure what my first camera was so I'll just tell you that I currently own a Fujifilm finepix s-1500. I try my best to make time for photoshoots but school is a life-sucker. however, when I do get the chance, I try my best for some magic. I don't know how I got into photography... Probably ljust like the girl talked about below me, from holding a little digital camera high up in the air and smiling from below, and the occasional flash-filled mirror shot, but that I quickly grew out of and started to dig deeper into ACTUALL photography, especially once I entered High school. Now that I'm ending my sophomore year, things about my future are really comming into perspective, and my dream job I've decided would be to become a national geographic photographer, because I love nature photos, and traveling is a secret desire of mine.
I know I have time to set up my future, but it really is going by fast, and I will document it with as many photos as possible. :)
Here is my stream. Enjoy it, and comments are much desired and appreciated. :) thanks!
PS; I'm still trying to get away from the shots of my face, but hey, at least they're of higher quality these days. ;)
welcome taylor. i look forward to seeing more from you.