Finally used my lesbaby for macro again.Some of my best macro shots are done with my lensbaby.This time it was shot with the macro filter kit, but I do sometimes use extension tubes or a combination on a very rare occasion.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Me, myself and I wrestling for attention of Me myself and I...
I hate myself... really!
I can't make music, I can;t take pictures, I can't pass my exams because of 7/10 points, and I suck with being social.
And what can I?Saying things You'll never need,and I read about 4 years ago in the local newspaper...
But what can I do with my DSLR?
Barely nothing. The only things I like are taking pictures of Concerts and taking pictures of myself.
To let you "enjoy some of these pictures"
I hope you like it :)
Thursday, June 17, 2010
The story behind (2)
So now, I've been told the friends in the photo are such a cute couple, the nice mood of the photo itself and the nice lighting it has. But believe me, it's all about the moment. I know it's not a Pulitzer winner but it has a "thing", some magic in it. Again, the moment. So here is the ugly truth:
They are not even each other's type, just friends. They were sitting there, just checking how much cash could we put together in order to buy some water, because of the damnnn hot weather. He was holding some coins in the hand you can't see, and she was laughing because of the "poor mode on" day we were having.
I was sitting with a third friend out of the frame, so when I just saw the whole scene, without saying a word, stood up and silently took the photo. And, that's it.
So, now that you know the truth, I'd like to make clear one point. I wouldn't like to enter that debate about telling-the-story-just-kills-the-magic thing; I told it because I wanted, so it's up to you consider if the magic is still there (or if it has left, or if it's stronger than ever...). Other than that, I insist, the shooting moment is crucial: I think that's the magic, getting something new from those ordinary moments. (the speech's end is near, I promise) Nothing new, but it's something some of us tend to forget, so let's keep it in mind.
Finally, if you have any question, just let me know. :)
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Lens Flares?

Saturday, June 12, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
The clones
No photoshop used in this photo.A 10 sec exposure at F22 with a flash at 1/16 power with a pringle tube snoot below the face. I fired the flash 4 times moving each time I fired it. Possibly should of alterd the power each time to keep the light a bit more even. However I do quite like the way it fades.
So, I'm not gonna lie, I love Flickr. I spend way too many hours on it. Zack Ahern is a seriously rad photographer, and I found him through Flickr, and he introduced me (through a link on his profile--yes I'm a creeper) to Strobist.
So my question is, has any one of y'all tried strobes, or external flashes? I am wanting to get myself some Strobist gear (not official Canon of course--sorry but I don't have a spare few hundred bucks for a single flash). Please tell us about your experience if you have. :)