Thursday, July 8, 2010

From Hobby to Career

I'm curious, are any of you hoping to one day turn photography into a career rather than just a hobby?


  1. As of right now I don't think photography will be my primary career, but I would love to pursue photography as a hobby and as a career sort of on the side.

  2. Definitley.
    It's everything and all I want to do.
    I keep getting told by people that it's impossible to make any money and blah blah blah...
    But I love it, I don't care if I don't make a million doing it so long as I love doing it.

  3. That is the plan. :] <3
    To get rich off of mine and my hubby's creativity and to never have to stress about money or have to work a regular job.

  4. I'd love to become a professional photographer! I'm thinking of maybe becoming a fashion photographer, but I don't know yet...

  5. Yes, I'm going to study photography in next year, so I'm really into photography (And I really should have a Pro account on Flickr)
